The price of living in a free society is not only civic participation; it is in learning enough to rely on processes essential to the survival of American Democracy.
Great reliance should be placed on critical thinking for the restoration and/or the creation of essential processes that function to serve a free society.
Without our sufficient pursuit of justice, our freedom will be gone.
See Great Danger Emerges: Democracy Challenged, page 31.



Our American Democracy requires that there are at least two political parties in order to enable the electorate to exercise discipline on its elected representatives. The reality is that elected representatives frequently care more about their power than the appropriate representation of the interests of those whom they purport to represent.
The failure of the Trumpian led the minority party to cooperate in the creation of an independent bipartisan commission to investigate insurrection of January 6, 2021, an insurrection that attacked, the joint session of Congress in the Capitol building, does not really indicate an interest in moving ahead for the benefit of the electorate. Rather, it is an effort to prevent the legislators and the public from understanding the conditions that are undermining our democratic processes. It is obvious that the Trumpian leadership is in pursuit of power at the expense of TRUTH and the legitimate interests of the electorate.
Our Books

The timely trilogy is designed to raise the level of consciousness of motivated learners. The goal is to restore American Democracy back on the path towards the ideals articulated in the Declaration of Independence.

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The Motivated Learner Platform is used to blend learning for thought leaders and motivated learners alike. Join in to read essays, comments and abridged collections of our works.

Contact Us

We would love to talk to you about moving forward together to save our Democracy. If you want to send us questions or join the educational endeavor, you can find all of our contact information here.

Process and Structure

Cultural change is an evolutionary process. The culture is a structure at a point in time; but it is the process in the biological system of the society that alters structure. That biological system of society is a complex adaptive system marked by inflection points in process that lead to changed characteristics in structure. The changed characteristics and structure are alterations of the environment; a condition that may impact the process.

As the processes adapt to the changed environment, so the changing environment is altered in successive iterations. As the process continues the culture changes. The changes that have been occurring in recent decades have led us to a divisiveness that is a direct attack on mutual dependence. The conventional wisdom is to view the co-evolution of the electorate and the culture as though it had an appropriate correlation dealing with an equality in the rights of representation in the government that are actually expressed in the operation of the republic.

The electoral process distorts the representation of the interests of the voting public on numerous accounts. Aside for the wisdom challenged decision of the Supreme Court permitting excessive contributions to political campaigns by business entities providing them with a personhood that falls short of voting, but yet provides a magnification of the power of the wealthy beyond what already distorts representation, the concentration of power moves forward with denials of voting access such as purging eligibility and other regulations biased toward prevailing political power in the jurisdiction. It further distorts the representation by gerrymandering. To top it off, it uses an electoral college system in which the popular vote of the voters is distorted by counting the votes of the elected legislators rather than the popular vote. Thus, while California and Texas collectively represent about 20% of the nation’s population, they represent only 4% of the Senate. Add to this, the distortion by the gerrymandering, and the popular vote is very interesting, but analytically not determinative of who was elected President of the United States in 2016; and it will not be the determining force for who is elected president in 2020. 

Help Wanted

The enterprise is seeking production and distribution assistance
in several key areas in order to further its educational mission. 

Among those needs are team members with skills in one or more of areas such as; editing, bibliographic construction, and author relationships. The website has several hundred citations, the vast majority of which are unquestionably FAIR USE. Authors, who have different views, or would like modifications, are welcome to propose content adjustment, including the posting of additional items on the Motivated Learner Platform that includes detailed references to further literary work.

The tasks include contacting quoted authors via email and/or snail mail, and working with them to obtain permissions, if necessary, or sufficient editing (including dropping questionable FAIR USE citations). The digital format facilitates frequent updating, and unfolding events call for frequent revisions.

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This is a review and comment phase of Declaration Era Educational Press (DEEP). Although all citations are deemed to be FAIR USE, authors have an opportunity to render an alternative view. Adjustments will be made if such views are received. This is a nonpartisan educational endeavor utilizing American Democracy as a demonstration case for an educational innovation for improving outcomes.

Although the authorship rights owned by the Maury Seldin LLC are reserved, educators and other authors are encouraged to request extensive use of our text material for educational purposes. Although such requests will be liberally granted, we cannot provide any authorization for reuse of quoted material. OUR FAIR USE OF QUOTED MATERIAL IS INTENDED TO DIRECT THE READER TO THE SOURCE. Users of content from DEEP must meet the applicable FAIR USE standards.

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